Our Story

We are the manifestation of a dream, a vision inspired by the radiant light that our mother brought into our lives. Our mission is to empower women of all ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles to embrace their unique beauty and express themselves with confidence.

Appear is more than just a fashion accessory, it is a symbol of empowerment and self expression. Through our jewelry, we create a platform for women to tell their stories and showcase their inner beauty and courage.

Our Philosophy

At Appear we revolve around creating timeless pieces that celebrate individually and self expression. With versatile and modern earrings, necklaces, and rings, each of our products transport you from day to night without the hassle of thinking twice, making you feel put together and uplift any look. Each piece of jewelry is created to give you a deeper sense of connection with your own unique story!

Our Values


Carry yourself with confidence, you appear.


The base of any relationship is a bold connection, we are here to be a part of your connections.


Creativity comes from the word creation; Appear is here to create something special and meaningful for you.


We aim to inspire women to express their boldness through our exquisite pieces that are both empowering and visionary.


You are you, be you and appear as you. Embrace your individuality.

The Founder

“Some stories are told through words and some are cherished through objects, my story with jewelry was inherited by my beautiful angel. My mother used to tell us, her girls, to always go for the things that are timeless, the materials that will stay with you and always carry the value of the memory you would like to keep. I felt this very deeply when I now wear every piece she had gifted me.

It is something that forever makes me feel attached and always gives me a sense of connection. Jewelry was her way of being forever by our side. “ In the memory of the people that we will forever be attached to, and the people that will always be a part of our story. Your light will always appear.”

—Zaina Zainal, CEO

“To the inspiration behind the brand, your light will always appear.”

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